Roberto Caranta is full professor at the Law Department of the University of Turin (Italy).

Director of PHD program ‘Law, Individuals and Markets’. Director of Master program on Public Procurement management for Sustainable Development. In 2012-2013 was the Academic co-director of the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies (London). Convenor of the UNEP 10YFP GPP Academic network.

Co-director of the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies – CTLS London for the Academic year 2012/13 (
Professeur invité with the University of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (2016).

Member of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership-International Training Network (TTIP-ITN - H2020 – Marie Curie ITN:

Working on institutional issues of EU law, and specifically judicial review, environmental law, and public procurement law. He was the General rapporteur to the 2014 FIDE Congress in Copenhagen: ‘General Report’ in U. NEERGAARD, C. JACKSON, G.S. ØLYKKe (eds) Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen, 2014 Congress Publications Vol. 3 (DJØF, 2014). Together with Steen Treumer he is editing the European Procurement Law Series. With M. Trybus and G. Edelstam he edited EU Public Contract Law. Public Procurement and Beyond (Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2014).

Other recent works include: Labels as enablers of sustainable public procurement, in B. SJÅFJELL, ‎A. WIESBROCK (eds) Sustainable Public Procurement Under EU Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 99-113; ‘The changes to the public contract directives and the story they tell about how EU law works’ 52 (2015) CMLRev, 391, and ‘Remedies in EU Public Contract Law: The Proceduralisation of EU Public Procurement Legislation’ in Rev. Eur. Adm. Law, 2015, 75-98; Les exigences systémiques dans le droit administratif de l’Union européenne in C. Blumann – F. Picod (dir.), Annuaire de Droit de l’Union Européenne 2012 (Paris, Editions Panthéon Assas, 2014), 21-38.